Submission Categories
Poetry, short fiction (not exceeding 10 pages, double-spaced in 12 pt font), drama, personal/critical essays, editorials, letters to editor, interviews, descriptive sketch, slam poetry
Art, photography, photo manipulation (at least 300 dpi)
Ceramics, origami, graphic design, 3D design (Solid background, at least 300 dpi)
Original sheet music, original songs, and original performances of public domain songs.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must be submitted via Dropbox form below or as an attachment in an email to ghsskaldic@gmail.com
Your STUDENT EMAIL must be used for your submission to be considered.
Submitted work should be carefully edited into a final form in order to be considered.
There is no limit on submissions per person, so submit as many works as you want.
All submissions are reviewed until Feb. 1st of that issues' year.
Any submissions after Feb. 1st will be considered for next year's issue.
Students will be notified of their admission status no later than April 15th.